Wednesday, August 31, 2011


正法眼蔵  語十

If I ask you
"does a circle
have both inside
and outside," what do you say.
If you cut it into
three pieces, which
has inside, which outside
and what of the third?

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

A Willing Spirit

He asks what I mean
when I say I
gave her custody
of Judaism
and also gave up
visitation rights.
It's simple, I say,
it is something you choose
not a yoke
thrust on you
and you can
as easily give it up
to others or away.
I tell her I have not
abandoned faith
merely freed myself
to embrace it.

Monday, August 29, 2011


He hears "When Tomorrow Comes"
and thinks he knows
something about tomorrow
and he thinks this
every ten minutes or so,
yet each time it is
a new thought tied
to a vague memory. 
He still recalls my name
most of the time, though
with ever greater struggle.
I know that soon
I too will slip
into his mind's shadow.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Joshu's Oak (after Mumonkan 37)

無門關 三十七 

Look out of the window
the garden is barren
of oaks, nor is this
a Temple in China.

If you listen carefully
a thousand branches
bend quietly in the wind,
a simple wave washing
oak leaves onto
expectant soil.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Summer, Friday Night

Sitting outside the wine bar
the evening still remembers summer.
The bar is full, loud, joyous
as the glasses are poured
and clinked in celebration
of intermingled toasts.
The lounge up the street,
its red sign glaring
is much the same if louder
people pouring out the door
in practiced reverie.
Down the block a young woman
stares at her car, sandwiched tight,
at her cell phone useless,
and goes back for another beer.

Friday, August 26, 2011


We talk about the moment
as if it is something
that can be tucked away,
placed on a shelf perhaps
for later use
and even enjoyment.
Time comes with no manual
so don't stop and look
or you will miss it.
Ah, you did stop
if only to read this, so
look behind you, there -
for the moment you want
is now your history.

Thursday, August 25, 2011


Today my intentions
fell away
through the hourglass –
the best, bravest first
followed in course
by the lesser, until
I could mark
my day by the void
left in their wake.
Ah, but tomorrow
I shall turn
the glass over
yet again.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Two Monks Roll Up the Blinds 無門關 二十六

Both are asked
to bring more light
into the hall.

Together each
rolls up his shade.
One’s action is gain
one’s action is loss

there is only one shade
there is only one light.

                 -- Capping Verse for Mumonkan 26 ("The Gateless Gate")

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


The sky is a flat
black plate overhead, pinholed,
the light passing through
which we imagine as stars
arrayed in patterns
to which we assign them.
At such distances
our perception of depth
is swallowed whole
by our need to organize
the universe, lest
we cede control and admit
we, too, are a part
of the unknowable.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Be Very, VERY Scared

The governor of Texas
has suggested that evolution
is nothing more than a theory
and a flawed one at that.
But he won't feel the heat
since, for him, global warming
doesn't exist, banished by wish.
At the Primate Institute they agree
that if he is elected President
they will have no other choice
but to revise their theory
and the chimpanzees are unanimous
that on the evolutionary ladder
man will soon be staring up
at the backside
of the great apes.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

And So It Begins


Like Manjushri, stand still
outside the gate
and listen for the call
of Buddha from within.

When he calls, answer
but is Buddha inside
and you without?
There is nothing at all
to see, and the gate
has fallen from its hinges
so answer yourself carefully.